Grand Canyon Car Rental Guide to Getting a Car at the Grand Canyon

There are many reasons why you would want to get a car rental while at the Grand Canyon. Although there is a taxi service and a free shuttle bus that runs throughout the park, having your own vehicle is a wonderful convenience that will make your visit to the Grand Canyon all the better. There have been car rental agencies at the Grand Canyon in the past, but they've shut down for some reason. I spent over a year and a half living and working at the Grand Canyon. One of my jobs was working at the Grand Canyon Airport as a refueler and meeting the many private pilots that would fly in looking for a Grand Canyon car rental. You can imagine their ire when they found out that nothing was available. While I was working there the company that I was employed by made a deal with Enterprise and secured one car for us to have on hand on a first come first serve basis. This was a big step in the right direction, but if the one car was rented out and the pilots hadn't made previous arrangements they would have to rely on the taxi service.

Since this car is primarily available for private pilots that fly in, it is recommended that you reserve a car ahead of time to be delivered to the Grand Canyon area by one of the car rental agencies in Flagstaff, Arizona. They charge a hefty fee to have this delivered, but the added convenience may be worth it to some. The phone number for the Enterprise office at Flagstaff is (928) 774-9407. Make sure to call well in advance to ensure that they have someone available to deliver the car that day, as it's a long drive. Many people who come to the Grand Canyon by plane, bus tour, or shuttle service are surprised to find out that there aren't any car rental agencies close by. So if you intend on having one, be sure to book it ahead of time! The taxi services and free shuttle buses don't encompass the entire area, so it will be nice having the freedom to go where you wish. It'll give you more potential in your Grand Canyon exploring. Drive safe.

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